The camera that can see through skin

A camera that can see through skin and even frosted glass has been revealed.

So far in my posts, I’ve been talking about how art, influences my work, and the progress I’ve been,  to  innovate media, and   create something that  can help the world, especially the  film world. I’ve been doing research to  see what is already  out-there, and how it can influence me in my development. It seems that the world is moving fast, and there are already  a few cameras that are able to use the speed of light, laser, and 3D, but there is nothing like my new camera.

A camera that can see through skin ,  has been revealed,to the world, by an Israel team. It uses natural light rather than lasers, ” The technique uses what is called a spatial light modulator to ‘undo’ the scattering that makes objects opaque or non-reflecting.”  says  , and   Professor Yaron Silberberg of the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, who led the research. said ‘If you want to look to see an embryo developing inside an egg but the eggshell scatters everything, or you want to look through the skin, scattering is the main enemy there, and time-of-flight is not a good solution,’ 

In the image below you can see the letter A with no scattering (top), behind scattering plastic (centre) and re-imaged with the new technique.



‘You can take a piece of wall and effectively turn it into a mirror, and this is the part that makes everybody raise an eyebrow,’ said Professor Silberberg.

The technique is likely to be first used for medical scanning, said MARK PRIGG .

This is something that  shows that my camera, will in the future be something that people can use, but till then  there are a lot of things that needs development.

This camera was the start for  a new inventions witch is  a camera that peers around corners, witch uses laser pulse and was a inspiration for my work. 

How my camera will look like, and the progress I’m going through, will be  shown in my  next post .

Till then I’m looking forward for your feedback, and comments .


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